Suicide Prevention
13 Reasons Why - Considerations for Educators (NASP)
13 Reasons Why - Films ou séries télévisées destinés aux jeunes d’âge scolaire comprenant des scènes de suicide explicites (CSSS)
13 Reasons Why - Information and Resources for School Boards (CEMH)
13 Reasons Why - Pourquoi la série nous inquiète (AQPS)
13 Reasons Why - Season 2 - Guidance (NASP)
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Resources for Schools
Association Quebecoise de Prevention du Suicide
Bullying and Youth Suicide: Breaking the Connection
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
Canadian Mental Health Association
Centre for Suicide Prevention
Facts for Families: Teen Suicide
National Association of School Psychologists - Preventing Youth Suicide
Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools
Programme de postvention en milieu scolaire: Stratégies d'intervention à la suite d'un suicide
Right by You
Role of Teachers in School-Based Suicide Prevention: A Qualitative Study of School Staff Perspectives
Suicide Action Montreal
Talking to Kids about Suicide
Teen suicides: What are the warning signs?
The Trevor Project: Model School Policy
When a parent dies by suicide...What kids want to know
Your Life Counts
For more information on borrowing a resource, contact Silvia Venturino at